Sue Carman-Vian

Sue Carman-Vian has had over a thirty-year career as a painter, performance artist and film and video maker.  She received an MFA from Wayne State University in 1984.  She received the Michigan Council for the Arts Grant in 1986 for the Public Billboard Project, and was an award winner in the Ann Arbor Film Festival in 1991.

Sue has written, directed, produced and performed in nine productions from 1984- 2014.  Some of these productions were sponsored by Marygrove College and Friends of Modern Art.  She has written, directed, produced and performed in eleven films/videos from 1986-2009.  Most of these were made in conjunction with her performance art pieces.  Sue has exhibited in numerous one and two person exhibitions and many group shows from 1986 to the present. 

She has taught performance art at Wayne State University and Marygrove college in Detroit, MI.

Since 2010 she has collaborated on a public arts billboard project and has performed her pieces in group performance events. 

Her work is narrative and autobiographically inspired by events in her life as they relate to her as a person and artist.  Her use of universal themes help the viewer become aware of the value, relevance and place of art in society.