Learn about our memberships

  • $12 per year

    Includes basic house membership privileges such as access to concerts, exhibitions, events and other programs at the gallery.

  • $36 per year

    Includes all House Membership privileges as well as:

    -Gallery Reception Previews & Afterglows

    -Free or discounted tickets for Live Performances, Film Screenings, Workshops, and more

    -Invitation to participate in “Feed the Critic” a monthly event where artists bring a dish of food or drink and 3-5 pieces of work to be consumed and critiqued by a group of professional art critics, educators and curators

  • $84 per year

    Includes all Individual Membership privileges for up to 5 family members as well as:

    -Opportunity to attend Culture Kids Events and other family oriented programming including arts and culture field trips to local museums and cultural centers.

  • $250 per year

    Includes all Family Membership privileges as well as:

    -10% off all artwork purchases

    -Free or discounted subscriptions for catalogs and other publications.

click on the buttons below to purchase your membership