Jennifer Gariepy

Jennifer Gariepy, an artist and writer from Detroit, works in a variety of media, including textile sculpture, painting, book arts, illustration, and metal. She earned a bachelor’s degree in literature and  visual arts from Siena Heights University in 1991. The University of Detroit Mercy and Gale hosted solo  exhibitions of her works, and her pieces have appeared in ensemble shows at CPOP, Detroit  Contemporary, the Ellen Kayrod Gallery, the Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit, Signal-Return, and  elsewhere. She was a member of the Girlee arts collective, and has served as videographer for Theatre  Maugré, producing films of puppet shows for dissemination on the Internet. Jennifer taught comics and  cartooning at the Birmingham Bloomfield Art Center and has been a guest lecturer in the Detroit public  schools and at the University of Michigan. Her illustrations and photography have appeared in Tank  magazine (UK); The Conspiracy Against the Human Race and Sideshow and Other Stories, both by  Thomas Ligotti; Aklo: A Volume of the Fantastic, edited by Mark Valentine et al.; “Crossing the Border to  Dodge Main,” by Marsha Battle Philpot in Detroit Sequential; and on record album covers in the United States and the United Kingdom. Her most recent book project, The Zanataz Book, which mixes fiction,  calligraphy, and watercolor paintings, is in press.